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Full-time Faculty
Chi-Chuan Wang
Title:Associate Professor
TEL:+886-2-3366-8739     Email:chicwang@ntu.edu.tw
PortfolioPortfolio ResearchResearch
Posters & Speeches:Subjects:Treatment Patterns, Complications, and Disease Relapse in a Real-World Population of Moderate-to-Severe Ulcerative Colitis Patients Initiating Immunosuppressive Therapy [poster] (2013)
Speakers:Davis KL, Wang CC, Dastani H, Luo A, Dalal M, Loftus EV
Address:Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2013, May 18-21, Orlando, FL

Subjects:Adoption of new molecular targeted drug among non-small cell lung cancer patients under national health insurance system in Taiwan [poster] (2013)
Speakers:Chen HH, Shen LJ, Wang CC, Hsiao FY
Address:8th Asian Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology, Oct 25-27, Hong Kong

Subjects:Patterns of Pharmacological Treatment for Osteoporosis among Patients Qualified for Pharmacotherapy According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation Guidelines [podium] (2014)
Speakers:Wang CC, Wu CH, Farley JF
Address:The 30th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management, Oct 24-27, Taipei, Taiwan

Subjects:Comparative Outcome Analysis of Penicillin-Based Versus Fluoroquinolone-Based Antibiotic Therapy for Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Taiwan [poster] (2015)
Speakers:Lin CH, Wang CC, Sheng WH
Address:American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting and Exposition-Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science-Economic, Social and Administrative Science Section, Mar 27-30, San Diego, CA

Subjects:Evaluation of The Association Between Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Use and Risk of Arrhythmia among Patients with Depression [podium] (2015)
Speakers:Wang CC, Lin ZF, Wu CH
Address:7th Asian Association of Schools of Pharmacy (AASP) Conference, Oct 30-Nov 2, Taipei, Taiwan

Subjects:Cost-Effectiveness of the Pharmacist-assisted Warfarin Monitoring Program (PAWM) at a Medical Center in Taiwan [poster] (2016)
Speakers:Chang JY, Kang HC, Shen LJ, Wang CC
Address:International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 19th Annual European Congress, Oct 29-Nov 2, Vienna, Austria

Subjects:Effectiveness and safety of non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants in real-world practice [podium] (2016)
Speakers:Huang HY, Lin SY, Cheng SH, Wang CC
Address:105 年度台灣藥學年會暨學術研討會, Dec 17, Taipei, Taiwan

Subjects:Wang CC. Influenza Vaccination during Pregnancy: Findings from the 2012-2016 National Health Interview Survey. (2017)
Speakers:Chan HJ, Chang JY, Erickson SR
Address:ISPPOR 20th Annual European Congress, Glasgow, Scotland

Subjects:Changes in Treatment Patterns of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors among Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients under the National Health Insurance in Taiwan. (2017)
Speakers:Chang JY, Lin FJ, Wang CC.
Address:ISPPOR 20th Annual European Congress, Glasgow, Scotland

Subjects:The association between early treatment with amantadine and delayed onset of levodopa-induced dyskinesia in patients with Parkinson's disease. (2017)
Speakers:Wu TL, Wang CC, Lin FJ, Wu RM.
Address:XXII World Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Subjects:Patterns and Outcomes of Non Vitamin K Anticoagulants Use among Patients with Atrial Fibrillation and Valvular Heart Disease in the Real-World Settings (2018)
Speakers:Li HJ, Lin FJ, Lin SY, Hung CS, Wang CC.
Address:ISPOR Asia Pacific 2018, Tokyo, Japan

Subjects:Risk of Hypoglycemia and Concomitant Use of Repaglinide and Clopidogrel: A Population-Based Nested Case-Control Study. (2018)
Speakers:Wei Y, Lin FJ, Lin SY, Wang CC.
Address:ISPOR Asia Pacific 2018, Tokyo, Japan

Research Projects:Subject:Evaluation of the Association between Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors Use and Risk of Ventricular Arrhythmia among Depressive Patients over 60 Years Old.
Duration:2014-08 ~ 2015-07
Principal Investigator:Chi-Chuan Wang

Subject:Cost-Effectiveness of Pharmacist-Assisted Monitoring of Warfarin Therapy: Learning from the National Taiwan University Hospital Anticoagulant Clinic
Duration:2015-01 ~ 2015-12
Principal Investigator:Li-Jiuan Shen
Co-principal Investigator:Chi-Chuan Wang

Subject:Use Of Calcium Channel Blockers and Risk Of Breast Cancer: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study In Taiwan
Duration:2015-08 ~ 2016-07
Principal Investigator:Chi-Chuan Wang

Subject:Evaluation of Budget Impact of New Drug Reimbursement
Duration:2017-01 ~ 2017-12
Principal Investigator:Fang-Ju Lin
Co-principal Investigator:Chi-Chuan Wang

Subject:Concurrent Use of Antidepressants and Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Risk of Intracranial Hemorrhage.
Duration:2016-08 ~ 2017-07
Principal Investigator:Chi-Chuan Wang

Subject:Statins for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases among the Elderly- An Explanatory Research
Duration:2017-08 ~ 2018-05
Principal Investigator:Chi-Chuan Wang

Subject:Statins for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases among the Elderly- An Explanatory Research
Duration:2018-05 ~ 2021-07
Principal Investigator:Fang-Ju Lin
Co-principal Investigator:Chi-Chuan Wang

Subject:Bridging The Sentinel System And Artificial Intelligence: Building A Prospective Drug Safety Surveillance System With Claims Data And Electronic Health Records In Taiwan
Duration:2018-03 ~ 2022-02
Principal Investigator:Chi-Chuan Wang

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