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Building Faculty Equipment Herbal Garden

The School of Pharmacy building was originally located at the north side of the College of Medicine, near a two-story building along Xuzhou Road that was constructed during the Japanese Occupation Period. For over 3 decades, it has trained and educated students within its unpretentious halls. The faculty and students of the school all cherished the memory of the teaching classrooms, labs, research rooms, and the herbal garden with which they have become so familiar, and enjoyed so much their daily activities around this marvelous surrounding. They were especially fond of the walkways in front of the school that bask under the green shade of maple leaves and palm trees in spring and summer, and bathe in brown maple leaves in fall and winter. Construction work on the Basic Medical Building was completed in 1985, and in November, the School of Pharmacy moved to its new location, this has around 1,200-ping floor area facilities at the 12th and 13th floors of the new building. The modern, new building facility is well equipped with huge research labs and class rooms for the requirements of activities in research and teaching of in School of Pharmacy.
Academic Activity
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