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Application Procedure and Regulations of NTUSP Academic Scholarship
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Updated Sep. 16, 2022
Ⅰ. Origin:
The School of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University (hereinafter referred to as NTUSP) in order to cultivate outstanding research talents, encourage teachers and students of NTUSP to participate in research projects, publish academic papers at home and abroad, or participate in academic seminars actively. The full-time teachers and students of NTUSP are subsidized according to the reward objectives and application process.
Ⅱ. Eligibility:
(Ⅰ) Teacher:
The applicant must fulfill at least one of the requirements list below: poster presentation, oral presentation, an invited speaker, or served as a moderator, and fulfill one of the requirements below:
A. Didn’t received subsidy from MOE, MOST, MOHW and any other units within NTU in the last three years for overseas conference or speech.
B. Already being subsidized by other units or institute but insufficient in amount.
(Ⅱ) Student:
A. International symposium, the following conditions shall be met:
(A) Publication of poster or oral presentation.
(B) Didn’t received subsidy from MOE, MOST, MOHW and any other units within NTU, or insufficient in subsidy amount.
B. Domestic symposium, the following conditions shall be met:
(A) Publication of poster or oral presentation.
(B) Fail to reimburse of teacher’s project.
C. International academic seminars held abroad, in principle, subsidize doctoral students. Master or undergraduate students, if they perform well, can be reviewed by the curriculum committee and submitted to the School Affairs Committee after approving.
Ⅲ. Subsidy quota:
(Ⅰ) Teacher:
Subsidy quota: Maximally NTD 40,000 for every three fiscal years, may apply in discrete order.
(Ⅱ) Student:
A. International symposium:
(A) If the symposium held in overseas country, doctoral student is allowed to apply for many times, however the total amount will not more than NTD40,000 ( in accordance with the NTU standards).If master and undergraduate school student publish paper or poster as first author, subsidy of maximally NTD10,000 will awarded.
(B) Held within country: Subsidized flexibly (Travel expenses, registration fee, etc)
B. Domestic symposium:
(A) Venue located at north of Taichung (included Yilan): NTD1,000 per pax.
(B) Venue located at south of Taichung (included Taichung, Hualian & Taitung): NTD 2,000 per pax.
Ⅳ. Application procedure:
(Ⅰ) Teacher:
Attached related materials in advanced (Invitation card, evidence of accepted paper publication of conference, etc) and deliver to department office, review will be done by School Affairs Committee.
(Ⅱ) Student:
Attached related materials in advanced (evidence of accepted paper publication of conference, etc) and deliver to department office after review by advisor, further review will be done by curriculum committee.
Ⅴ. Verification procedure:
(Ⅰ) Teacher:
Attached the receipt (registration fee receipt, agenda of conference, flight ticket, report of travel expenses, experience report etc.)
(Ⅱ) Student:
A. International symposium: Attach the receipt (registration fee receipt, agenda of conference, flight ticket, report of travel expenses, experience report etc.)
B. Domestic symposium: Complete the certificate of expenditure.
Ⅵ. The expenditure was paid by the special fund under CK Foundation.
Ⅶ. This regulation shall come into force on the day of its promulgation, upon the approval of School; Affairs Committee.
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