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Scholarship of NTUSP Alumni Study Abroad

The scholarship which support and encourage alumni of NTU Department of Pharmacy to study abroad is now open for register.

In purpose to encourage the alumni of NTU Department of Pharmacy to study abroad and flourish their life in the lifelong learning, Ching Kang Foundation is in corporation with NTUSPAA-NA to sponsor a scholarship in which graduated student from either undergraduate school or graduate school of NTU Department of Pharmacy is eligible to apply. Three candidates are selected every year and each will awarded NT$ 10,000. This should be the first time applicant study abroad, and no limitation on the age and study field of applicant. Certificate of admission and flight ticket is required to apply for this scholarship.

For further information, please visit the following website: Alumni of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University and click on the Study Aboard and Scholarship (“出國進修獎助“).

Contact information: Alumni of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University
Address: Room 213, Lot 33, Linsen South Road, Taipei City, 100025
Phone: (02) 3366-8744 Ms. Chen
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