Books | : | Name:Civil Follow Criminal or Criminal Follow Civil Procedure as Models to Deal with IP Infringement: Asian vis-à-vis western Approaches. In: Kreation Innovation Märkte – Creation Innovation Markets: Festschrift Reto M. Hilty (F. Thouvenin, A. Peukert, T. Jaeger, C. Geiger eds.) (2024) Authors:M. Suzuki, S.H Lee, B. Kim, X. Lin, P. Reddy, H.G. Lim, J.A. Lee & K.C. Liu
Name:Mitigating the Impacts of Patent Linkage on Access to Medicine: Some Asian Experiences and Suggestions. In: The Future of Asian Trade Deals and IP (K.C. Liu and J. Chaisse eds.) (2019) Authors:Su-Hua Lee
Name:Human Rights and Intellectual Property Protection: Their Interplay in Taiwan. In: Taiwan and International Human Rights: A Story of Transformation (J.A. Cohen, W.P. Alford and C.F. Lo eds.) (2019) Authors:Su-Hua Lee
Name:藥品專利侵權訴訟之現況與未來:從藥事法專利連結專章談起,「智慧財產法院十週年紀念之智慧財產論文集」 (2018) Authors:李素華
Name:藥品上市審查與專利連結制度之本旨與內涵-從美國Hatch-Waxman Act談起,「智慧財產訴訟制度相關論文彙編」第4輯 (2015) Authors:李素華