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Full-time Faculty
Fan-Lu Kung
Title:Associate Professor
TEL:+886-2-3366-8762~3     Email:flkung@ntu.edu.tw
PortfolioPortfolio ResearchResearch
Research Projects:Subject:FKBP與APP水解反應及阿茲海默症病程發展之相關性研究
Duration:2008-08 ~ 2009-07
Principal Investigator:Fan-Lu Kung

Subject:Lipid Rafts 與APP 水解反應及阿茲海默症病程發展之相關性研究
Duration:2007-08 ~ 2010-07
Principal Investigator:Fan-Lu Kung

Duration:2014-10 ~ 2016-09
Principal Investigator:Fan-Lu Kung

Subject:APP/AICD對NMDA 受體活化所引致之ANKS1B核轉運現象之調控
Duration:2010-08 ~ 2011-07
Principal Investigator:Fan-Lu Kung

Duration:2010-08 ~ 2014-07
Principal Investigator:Fan-Lu Kung

Subject:Investigation of the relationship between APP-ANKS1B interaction and NMDAR signaling
Duration:2016-08 ~ 2017-12
Principal Investigator:Fan-Lu Kung

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