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Education | : | Ph. D, College of Law, National Taiwan University | Experience | : | Su-Hua Lee received the Bachelor of Laws from National Taipei University and Master of Laws (Magister iuris comparativi, M. iur. Comp.) from Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, and earned the Doctor of Laws (PhD) from National Taiwan University in 2006. Being scholarship holders of the German DAAD Program for PhD students and Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Munich, Lee was visiting researcher in Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition from 2005 to 2007. Lee has been Professor of Law at National Taiwan University since 2016 and previously served on law faculties at National Tsing Hua University and National Taipei University. Lee’s principal teaching and research interests are in the fields of intellectual property, pharmaceutical and biotechnology IP issues, civil law (laws of contract and torts) and competition law. Over the years, Lee has published articles in various journals in Chinese as well as in English. Lee conducted research projects funded by public and private sectors. From 2015 she leads a research team to help the government to draft the bill of drug approval-patent linkage (patent linkage). Lee is member of governmental expert groups relating to intellectual property and pharmaceutical affairs. She participates in Asian academic groups focusing on current and emerging issues of Asian intellectual property laws. | Research Areas | : | Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Protection for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology, Competition Law, Civil Law |