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【刊登於NTU HIGHLIGHTS NO.95】「2022 第五屆臺灣藥學聯合學術研討會」介紹

News from NTU HIGHLIGHTS NO.95(April 2023)

▲Group photo of the participants of the 5th Taiwan Joint Conference of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

The Taiwan Joint Conference of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is a grand annual event of the pharmaceutical industry, organized jointly by the Pharmaceutical Society of Taiwan and Taiwan Society of Health-System Pharmacists. In 2022, the NTU School of Pharmacy and NTU Hospital’s Department of Pharmacy had the honor of co-hosting the event, and the 12 major professional pharmaceutical organizations were also invited as co-organizers. Many prominent professionals in the pharmaceutical field gathered for the academic exchange with expectations to encourage collaboration among pharmaceutical organizations and, most importantly, advance the development of pharmacy and the pharmaceutical professions.

Everyone at the conference, themed “New Horizons for Pharmacy,” was keenly aware that art and performances meant so much to society during the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, the Ching Kang Foundation for Pharmacy Promotion arranged a special performance by the Atayal School Youth Choir at the opening ceremony, celebrating the start of the conference with the beautiful voices of indigenous children. 73 speakers, scholars, and experts from home and abroad were invited, including Academician Chi-Huey Wong who presented the keynote address on Precision Health and Universal Vaccine Development and Dr. Sheng-Jean Huang who discussed Person-Centered Aging, the Pandemic, and Integration. The conference attracted more than 1,000 submissions of oral presentations and posters, and over 1,300 guests participated in the event.

Five sub-topics were discussed on the second day of the conference, each of which was specialized yet resonated with each other while responding to the conference theme. The spotlighted goals included applying precision medicine to innovative pharmaceutical services through pharmaceutical science and drug development, and promoting the expertise and efficacy of pharmacy through competency-oriented education. Last but not least, the conference hoped to revolutionize the environment in which pharmacists practice through research on the effectiveness of pharmaceutical care and health policies, opening up a new vision of pharmacy development.

▲Slideshow of the closing ceremony of the 5th Taiwan Joint Conference of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

▲Group photo of members on the Organizing Committee and Academic Committee.

▲Post-conference group photo of the organizers and hosts.