文:洪美瑱 臺大藥學系18屆 2017.11
很榮幸受到臺大藥學專業學院沈麗娟院長之邀,我先生張天鈞教授的幾幅較大的畫作借展於臺大藥學院水森館。女兒張琳巧(臺大藥學系45屆)目前在臺大藥學院擔任老師,沈院長指派她做策展人。我們於2017年10月25日佈展順利完成後,沈院長帶我們參觀雲燾迴廊,看到我們當年擔任中沙醫療團團員,從沙烏地阿拉伯帶回來送孫教授的研缽也展示於玻璃櫃內。上面雕刻Saudi字樣和椰子樹,閃閃發光,就像新的一樣,足見孫教授和藥學院對藝術品細心專業的收藏。由於我當時是孫教授的秘書,孫教授送天鈞和我兩幅他親筆書寫的甲骨文,一幅是為我們遠赴沙烏地阿拉伯所作的祝福,另一幅是在我們於 國父紀念館舉辦兩人繪畫雕塑展(1997)時所送,稱讚我們的作品為「藝林珍品」。看完雲燾迴廊,我們兩人很感動,決定將這兩幅珍藏多年的孫教授甲骨文贈給臺大藥學院,收藏於雲燾迴廊。隨後,沈院長帶我們到院長辦公室,她表示院長座位背後有大片牆壁,希望我先生可以發揮,於是我先生花了很大的心血和成本,畫了這張高80公分、寬130公分的圖,贈給臺大藥學院,懸掛於院長座位後方。女兒和我,及我先生都深感榮幸,藉此做為臺大藥學系18屆的我和45屆的女兒,為感謝臺大藥學院的栽培所做的捐贈。


圖:張天鈞(1975年畢業於臺大醫學系) 油彩畫布80公分x 130公分2017
文:洪美瑱(1974年畢業於臺大藥學系) 2017


張天鈞(臺大內科名譽教授)、洪美瑱(18屆系友)、張琳巧(45屆系友) 敬贈2017

Impression of the School of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University: Past, Present, Future

Painted by Tien-Chun Chang (graduated from School of Medicine, National Taiwan University in 1975) Oil on Canvas, 80 cm x 130 cm, 2017 The description of the painting was written in Chinese by Mei-Chen Hong in 2017 (Mei-Chen Hong was graduated from Department of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University in 1974) and was translated into English by Lin-Chau Chang in 2017 (Lin-Chau Chang was graduated from Department of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University in 2001).

The former building of the Department of Pharmacy was located in the College of Medicine, which was a two-story ancient building, classic and elegant. On the right-hand side of the painting is the building depicted by my husband, Prof. Tien-Chun Chang, using a semi-abstract means of artistic expression. The mottled walls and lattice windows spell out so many stories. My husband once cleaned the labwarefor me here, which is also an anecdote. The lush green trees in front of the building were replaced by the withered branches, which implies the perseverance and persistence of our school in safeguarding health. In the center of the painting is the new site for the School of Pharmacy, Shui-Sen Hall, with colorful glass windows. On the left-hand side of the painting is the prospective expansion. My husband enjoys decorating his painting with the moon and the owl, which gives a crucial touch to the picture.
Note: The School of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University was founded in 2013 integrating the Department of Pharmacy, GraduateInstitute of Clinical Pharmacy, and Drug Research Center.

Donated by Prof. Tien-Chun Chang (Professor Emeritus of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University), Ms. Mei-Chen Hong (class of 1974), Dr. Lin-Chau Chang (class of 2001) 2017
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