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Posted Type : Recruitment
Posted Time : 2023-09-25 14:51:57
Research/Teaching Track Faculty Positions
in NTU School of Pharmacy

The School of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University invites applications for non-tenure track faculty positions starting on August 1, 2024, in the areas of Regulatory Science and Pharmaceutical Technology. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree and demonstrate proficiency in Chinese. Applicants should submit electronic files of a curriculum vitae (including a complete publication list), a statement of research and teaching interests, a photocopy of doctoral degree certificate, and up to five representative publications from the last 5 years (2019.8~). Three letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the chairman of the faculty search committee by December 31, 2023. The mailing information is as follows.

Prof. Chun-Jung Lin, Chairman, School of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University, No. 33, Linsen South Road, Taipei 100025, Taiwan.
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