National Taiwan University    |     NTU, College of Medicine
NTU, Department of Pharmacy
Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy
Drug Research Center    |     Ching Kang Foundation
Center for Innovative Therapeutics Discovery
NTUH,Department of Pharmacy
Taiwan Society of Health-System Pharmacists
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The National Taiwan University School of Pharmacy(NTUSP) was established by Dr. Sun Yun-Tao in 1953.For more than 60 years, the NTUSP has built a reputation for leading research, clinical training, and outstanding faculty and students. Moreover, the alumni of the NTUSP have achieved remarkable success in every aspects of pharmaceutical areas and have made a great contribution to the society. The NTUSP expanded its organization by integrating the Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy and Drug Research Center in March 2013 to further develop pharmaceutical talents with a greater perspective, research abilities, and clinical skills. Under the new organizational structure, the School has more than a hundred faculties, including research- and clinical-track faculties, clinical instructors, and experts from all pharmaceutical or public health areas. In addition, to improve the education and clinical training with the highest international standards and to enhance the quality of pharmaceutical care, a doctor of pharmacy (Pharm.D.) program was established in 2009. The goal of the Pharm. D. program is to “cultivating excellent pharmacists and dedicating to innovative researches”, with six core fields, namely Common & Pharmacy Preparatory, Biomedical & Science, Basic Pharmacy Science, Clinical Pharmacy Science, Pharmacy Administration & Social Science, and Pharmacy Practice.

Currently, the Department of Pharmacy enrolled 50 Pharm.D. students, 24 master’s students, and 5 Ph.D. students. The Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy admits 10 master’s students and 3 Ph.D. students every year. The school also offers Molecular Medicine Program and Chinese Herbal Medicine Program. The mission of our school is to foster competent pharmacists, to serve the public, and to contribute to research and developments. We believe that our school will enrich the services and research that improve medication safety, enhance students’ global vision and social care perspective, and fulfill the social responsibility. NTUSP will further work on five areas with the core values profession, science, and humanity.

  1. Enhance pharmacy education and attract international talents.
  2. Endeavour financial, human, and space resources.
  3. Enrich the connections of faculty members, students, and the alumni.
  4. Establish internationally renowned research team.
  5. Expand our social impact.

With rigorous trainings in research and clinical practice, the School provides a leading research and learning environment, develops pharmaceutical talents, and creates better pharmaceutical care for the public.

Previous Deans

  • 2013/08 ~ 2016/01 : Jih-Hwa Guh
  • 2016/02 ~ 2017/01 : Ji-Wang Chern
  • 2017/02 ~ 2023/07 : Li-Jiuan Shen
  • 2023/08 ~ : Chun-Jung Lin

National Taiwan University School of Pharmacy (NTUSP)- short version