Please make your reservation directly to the hotel through a phone call +886-37-876699 ext 2 or a fax +886-37-877996. Please specify the participation of 10th ISCMC. Participants with language issues can make hotel reservation with the assistance by the conference secretariat
- Room type A (松園會館綠野套房, Weekday/non-holiday), One double bed: NTD 2700/night.
- Room type B (松園會館花園套房, Weekday/non-holiday), Two single beds: NTD 2700/night.
- Room type C (渡假飯店四人房, Weekday/non-holiday), Standard double twin beds: NTD 3300/night.
- Room type D (荷蘭木屋家庭房, Weekday/non-holiday), One double and two single Beds: NTD 3300/night.