校友會專區 |
理事選舉 |
04/01 |
臺大藥學校友會第二十八屆理事會選舉...more |
活動預告 |
04/27 |
第三屆臺大藥學之友盃壘球賽...more |
賀 臺大通過「專業學院」設置辦法 |
04/06 |
悼 23屆校友王文祝慈母,於4/6舉行告別式 |
景康基金會專區 |
...more |
北美校友會專區 |
An exciting news to share about our alumni Jinn(15) and Diana(15) Wu, President and CEO of XenoBiotic Laboratories, Inc. (XBL) |
XBL has joint venture with C & O Pharmaceutical Technology (Holdings) Limited, a leading Full Function Pharmaceutical Group in China...more |
註:C & O Pharmaceutical Technology (Holdings) Limited即長澳藥業科技(集團)有限公司 |
1978 class reunion |
Can we wait for another 30 years if we don't capture the opportunity to say Hi to our old classmates from 30 years ago? Here is the long waiting 6341 (1978 class) reunion which will piggyback the NTU 1977 and 1978 class reunion to be held in Los Angeles this summer. Below is the initial information. ...more |
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