校友會專區 |
理事選舉 |
05/01 |
臺大藥學校友會第二十八屆理事會選舉結果公告...more |
活動預告 |
7/4-6 |
2008 台大藥學八通關山健行活動...more |
活動記錄 |
04/27 |
第三屆臺大藥學之友盃壘球賽...more |
05/09 |
悼第4屆校友范進財慈母,於5/9舉行告別式 |
藥學系專區 |
05/05 |
OSU藥學院院長Dr. Robert W. Brueggemeier來訪 |
05/13 |
舉行「藥學院籌備委員會第三次會議暨藥學教育聯席會」 |
05/13 |
舉行「六年藥學教育諮議小組第一次會議 」 |
05/13 |
96學年度畢業生徵才說明會...more |
景康基金會專區 |
景康藥網14期徵文─我的精采退休生活 |
來稿請寄ckf@ckf.org.tw,若懶得動筆,請來電02-23963910,我們將派專人採訪。 |
北美校友會專區 |
Jane Hsiao, Jinn Wu, and Diane Tang will be in Taiwan the week of May 12 to seek input from alumni and to reach out to all interested party for the planning of College of Pharmacy, NTU. |
Dr. Tak Yee Lee will visit at May 26 2:00 PM as NTUSPAANA's lecture series speaker.The title is "Roles of Pharmaceutical Sciences (API and Drug Product Development) in New Drug Research and Development".
...more |
1978 class reunion |
Can we wait for another 30 years if we don't capture the opportunity to say Hi to our old classmates from 30 years ago? Here is the long waiting 6341 (1978 class) reunion which will piggyback the NTU 1977 and 1978 class reunion to be held in Los Angeles this summer. Below is the initial information. ...more |
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