本刊首頁 | 校友電子報 | 校友會 | 藥學系 | 景康基金會 | 北美校友會 No.20   2008.05.09 發刊  


Tak-Yee Lee, Ph.D.

Executive Director, Research Science and Technology

Worldwide Pharmaceutical Sciences

Pfizer Global Research and Development

Pfizer Inc.



Tak-Yee Lee, Ph.D. is Executive Director, Research Science and Technology – St. Louis , Worldwide Pharmaceutical Sciences, PGRD.  In his role, Tak leads the Research Science and Technology Outsourcing.  He also lead the PharmSci group working with other Research Lines in St. Louis to discover new small molecule medicines.  He has more than twenty years experience in pharmaceutical research and development.  Prior to his current role with Pfizer, he was with the legacy companies of Pharmacia and UpJohn Company, and Pharmacia starting in 1999.


Tak received his B.S. in Pharmacy from National Taiwan University in 1978 and his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry from The Ohio State University in 1986.  He is a member of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS). 


Prior to his current assignment, Tak worked for several companies, ranging from start-up biotech to pharma companies, with technical and managerial responsibilities in the area of drug product development, analytical development, production QC, clinical manufacturing, and pharmaceutical device development.  His experience ranges from discovery support, development, to technology transfer and validation at manufacturing plants.  He also has extensive experience in working with contract development/contract manufacturing firms as well as functioning in the contract development role.  In the last few years, he had worked with PDA Taiwan chapter and conducted workshops in Taiwan for local industry as well as inspectors in Bureau of Food and Drug Analysis.


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