
Sign Up
  • Username:
    system generated
  • Password:
    (for local login)
  • Chinese name:
  • Name in English:
    (Given Name, Surname e.g. Cheng- Horng, Liao)
  • Phone:
    (Extension Number)
  • Position:
    1. 大學部 Undergraduate

    2. 碩士 Master Student

    3. 博士(直升) PhD Student

    4. 博士 PhD Student

    5. 博士後 PostDoc

    6. 助理 Rearch Assistant

    7. 校外 External (Non-NTU Rx)

  • Email:
  • Student ID No./Postdoc ID No.:
  • Laboratory:
  • Projects:

    WRKe's Research Projects    

    (Industry-academia cooperation) PHLiang's Research Projects    

    FLKung's Research Projects    

    (Industry-academia cooperation) CCChang's Research Projects    

    NTUDOP's Staff Research Projects    

    LCChang's Research Projects    

    CWYu's Research Projects    

    JHGuh's Research Projects    

    CJLin's Research Projects    

    LJShen's Research Projects    

    WJLin's Research Projects    

    CCChang's Research Projects    

    PHLiang's Research Projects    

    LWHsin's Research Projects    

    YCShen's Research Projects    

    SSLee's Research Projects    

    JWChen's Research Projects    

    Pharmacognosy - Analytical Chemistry    

    Pharmacognosy - Isolation, modification and identification    

    Medicinal Chemistry    

  • Instruments:

    Waters Arc HPLC    



    Bruker 200MHz NMR    

    Bruker AV400 NMR    

    Bruker AV600 NMR    


  • 說明1Note 1:
    1. 學生請填學號 Students pleaes fill in Student ID No. .
    2. 博後、助理有識別證者請填身份證字號 Postdoctoral Research Fellows and research assistants please fill in ID card No. .
    3. 外籍人士有識別證者請填居留證號碼Foreigners please fill in Residence card No. .
    4. 非校內人士身份請選擇 Non-NTU Rx users please choose ''External (Non-NTU Rx)''.

    說明2Note 2:
    1. 無識別證者請下載門禁權限申請單,向系辦公室申請 Anyone who has no badges please download the Door Access Application Form from the internet ( and sumit to the School Office.
    2. 當按下Send鍵,系統會自動產生儀器申請單,請將本申請單填妥交至系辦公室。低解MS申請單,請連同「門禁權限申請單」一併繳交。When press the button of sending, the NTU Rx NMR booking system will generate the Application Form for the Use of Public Instrument automatically. Then please fill in the form and submit to the School Office. As for the use of Low Resolution Mass, please fill in the form, including above-mentioned Door Fccess Application, and then submit to the School Office.
    3. 持臨時卡者,請將臨時卡號填至NMR申請單(門禁欄位) Anyone whoe has temporary card please write down the card No. in the NMR User Application Form as the exmple below.

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