本刊首頁 | 校友電子報 | 校友會 | 藥學系 | 景康基金會 | 北美校友會 No.26   2008.11.06 發刊  



Dr. De-Maw Chuang, 1966 graduate (10th class) of NTUSP, has received the invitation from NTUSP Chairman Shoei Sheng Lee to present a lecture to our alma mater on December 2 of this year. His lecture is entitled "Recent Advances in Our Understanding of Brain Disorders". He will first give an overview of the pathophysiology of a number of neuropsychiatric and neurological diseases,notably bipolar disorder, Alzheimer's disease and stroke. He will then show the progress in development new drugs for the treatment of these devastating illnesses. Finally, he would share with NTUSP graduate students his forty years experience in biomedical research and give them some advice.

Dr. Chuang is the Chief of Molecular Neurobiology Section, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health located in Bethesda , Maryland , USA .  This will be his first lecture to our alma mater after he was elected to Academia Sinica in 2006. His visit will be accompanied by his wife, Lin-Whei Liu, his classmate of NTUSP.




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