本刊首頁 | 校友電子報 | 校友會 | 藥學系 | 景康基金會 | 北美校友會 No.22   2008.07.08 發刊  

23屆校友陳立瑜 2008.06.15

消息提供 by 梁家慶

We are deeply saddened with the news that Chan Lap-Yu, our beloved classmate, passed away in Vancouver Canada on 26July2007, a result of a tragic car accident.

  Shortly after graduation, Lap-Yu moved to Canada where she received her Masters degree in Pharmaceutical Science from U of Saskatoon. She received her PhD in the same discipline from U of British Columbia in 1989. After working for 10 years as a Post Doctoral Associate at UBC, she moved on and became a Certified General Accountant in British Columbia .

  Lap Yu will be remembered by all her classmates who knew her as that cute little girl always in pursuit of perfection in anything she did. And she did everything with perfection. Lap Yu, we are proud of you.  We miss you.

  --- from Class of 6441


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